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Saturday, August 15, 2009

new moon fever!!!

It's 3:00 am and I'm still awake, i'm finishing my painting..
well, to get those tired and sleepy muscles up,
I ran over some shots of the latest from the
twilight saga which is the "NEW MOON"..

the latest New Moon news is almost just as exciting (read: HOT!): the film studio has released a few new promotional images of Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

In each, the actors are posing in their roles of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, respectively. It's almost as if they're staring directly into your soul. I hope you're sitting down, fans...

Granted, the following New Moon trailer only lasts for 17 seconds. But it's 17 seconds of...

  • Taylor Lautner shirtless!!!
  • Jacob coming on to Bella.
  • Bella telling Jacob he's "sort of beautiful."

In other words: O...M...G.

Watch below and then leave a comment, letting me know what you think

"I know what he did to you. Bella. I won't ever hurt you"

that was I think the most anticipated line from
Jacob(Taylor Lautner) to Bella(Kristen Stewart).


These photos are taken when they have a photoshoot for
Entertainment Weekly

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner poses here for a photo shoot with Entertainment Weekly. They may look quite cozy, but they are just friends

Kristen Stewart likes playing Bella Swan.
But, make no mistake, these characters are nothing alike.

Kristen Stewart looks quite sexy and seductive in this photo.
I understand what Robert Pattinson sees in her.

Taylor Lautner put on a lot of muscle to play Jacob Black.
It's helping him carry Kristen Stewart in this photograph.

Look deeply into the eyes of Taylor Lautner.
I dare you to try and look away any time soon.

Those were my early morning rantics guys,
hope you like them!!

1 loving thoughts,,:

♥ Nehs ♥ said...

i can't wait for this movie. i'm still Edward all the way!!